To what degree and in which ways have the transnational cooperation (Interreg B) programmes of the funding period 2014-2020 supported social innvoation? What have been the lessons learned, and what improvements could be made in the new funding period 2021-2027? The initiators of the #socialinterreg initiative have drafted a position paper on these questions, based on:
– experiences that were shared and opinions that were expressed by (Lead) Partners of running or finalised social innovation projects in various Interreg B programmes
– results of a questionnaire survey carried out with representative of these institutions
– interviews carried out with representatives of Interreg B programme authorities.
We hope that the position paper provides some input and inspiration for the programming of the new transnational (and perhaps also cross-border) Interreg programmes for the funding period 2021-2027.
Feedback to the position paper is much appreciated and should be sent to!