
FINANCE4SOCIALCHANGE (Leveraging Finance 4 Positive Social Change): Finance4SocialChange develops the first “Social Impact Investment Strategy for the Danube region” directed to development of stronger financial ecosystem for social enterprises in Danube Region thus contributing to development of stable social economy and sustainable global development. Through carefully designed and integrated set of actions, such as blended learning experience- a “Social Impact Investment Transnational Design Academy”, “Business plan competition” which is equipped with 200.000 EUR investment capital, and a and mentoring scheme, it paves the way for development of social innovation and social impact investment in the region. In a longer perspective, the project establishes a “Social Impact Investment Community Council” that provides mentoring services also beyond the project lifespan.

Finance4SocialChange project’s main result is strengthened cooperation between policymakers, financial intermediaries, social enterprise catalysts, research institutes and start-up and scale-up social enterprises in Danube Region) via Social Impact Investment Community Strategy for the Danube region, Social Impact Investment Design Academy (AIRMOOC) and Social Impact Investment Competition (AIRCompetition).

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2018 – 2021

Funding Programme: Interreg Danube Transnational Programme
Lead Partner: IFKA Public Benefit Non Profit Ltd. for the Development of the Industry, Hungary, Anna Mészáros – project manager of the Finance4SocialChange project (Email)