ROSIE (Responsible Innovation):
ROSIE promotes societal engagement, gender equality, ethics, open access, risk-assessment, education and good governance. Central European countries lack knowledge, skills and policy frameworks to encourage responsible innovation. This shortage limits the overall potential for innovation and ultimately threatens responsible economic growth and well-being. The ROSIE project aims to improve skills among entrepreneurs and innovation actors to promote responsible innovation in companies.


  • ROSIE Responsible Innovation Workbox
  • ROSIE Local and CE Roadmaps
  • ROSIE Pilot Actions (about 350 SMEs trained and about 50 SMEs supported in implementing responsible innovation principles and elements)

ROSIE project website
ROSIE Responsible Innovation Workbox

2017 – 2020

Funding Programme: Interreg Central Europe
Lead Partner: CISE – Special Agency of the Chamber of Commerce of Forlì-Cesena, Giulia Bubbolini (Email)