SEMPRE Accelerators

SEMPRE ACCELERATORS for Service Co-Creation:
SEMPRE Accelerators empowers providers and users of social services to co-create social start-ups and has a special focus on rural areas. The primary objective of the project is to “accelerate” the most promising social initiatives co-created in the predecessor project (SEMPRE, 2016-2019). These user-driven initiatives include a social coffee shop in Latvia, a refugee newspaper project from Northern Germany and a social platform for single parents in Lithuania, to name but a few. All these micro projects were successfully developed and launched in the previous project. Now, in SEMPRE Accelerators, the goal is to showcase how these micro projects can grow to become stable, mature and independent organisations that are viable without project funding.

The first and foremost outputs of SEMPRE Accelerators are eight mature and stable social start-ups operating in different countries throughout the Baltic Sea Region. Moreover, the project creates policy recommendations titled “Recommendations for an Inclusive Entrepreneurship Ecosystem” and extends several transnational publications created during the predecessor project, such as:

  • Empowerment – Making it Happen. A handbook on user involvement is social service design and delivery: The Empowerment Handbook is made for staff of social service providers and everyone who works within social services. It presents empowerment tools that were tested in SEMPRE, examples of their application in the Baltic Sea Region and tips for success when involving users in social service design.
  • “Practicing User Involvement – An Organisational Roadmap For Social Service Providers”:The Organisational Roadmap is directed at the leadership level of social service providers. It informs them how to start and implement a process leading to more user involvement in organisational practice and social service delivery.
  • “The SEMPRE Guidebook for Empowerment Training”: The SEMPRE partners have piloted training modules that are meant for building the empowerment capacity and knowledge of current and future social workers. The Guidebook compiles training material and lessons learnt in the pilot trainings and is based on the action learning methods.

SEMPRE Accelerators project website
Social Start-up Biographies: Insights from the eight Social Start-ups of SEMPRE Accelerators
Project Publications


2019 – 2021

Funding Programme: Interreg Baltic Sea Region
Lead Partner: Diaconie of Schleswig Holstein, Germany, Nicole Rönnspieß (Email)