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Focus All Co-creation with underprivileged groups for innovation (6) Development of products or services for specific groups (22) Digital transformation in the social sector (11) Empowering underprivileged groups, fighting exclusion (16) Financing of social innovation (3) Innovation in health or care sector (6) Labour market involvement of underprivileged groups (12) Public sector innovation (14) Social innovation policy and impact assessment (15) Support for social entrepreneurs (10)
Programme All Baltic Sea Region (9) Central Europe (8) Alpine Space (6) Danube Region (6) North Sea Region (2) North-West Europe (2) Northern Periphery & Arctic (1) ADRION (1)
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LIKE (Building a local digital innovation culture): Like! aims to significantly enhance the capacity of ...
EXCELLENCE-IN-RESTI (Excellence in Research, Social and Technological Innovation Project Management): Excellence-in-ReSTI identified support needs for ...
SIforREF (Integrating Refugees in Society and the Labour Market Through Social Innovation): The refugee crisis ...
SENSES (Strengthening Social Entrepreneurial Landscape through Involving Socially Responsible Corporate Practices in Entrepreneurial Competences and ...
PLURALPS (Enhancing Capacities for a Pluralistic Alpine Space): Funded by the Interreg programme for the ...
MAMBA (Maximizing Mobility and Accessibility in Regions Affected by Demographic Change): With decreasing and ageing ...
I2I (From Isolation to Inclusion): Across the North Sea Region many people are experiencing social ...
Enter to Transform (Transformational Entrepreneurial Hubs for Recognised Refugees’ Re-starters) To sustain growth and innovation ...
ASIS (Alpine Social Innovation Strategy): ASIS aims at defining a new vision of innovation that ...