Social Innovation Projects

We have collected brief profiles of around thirty Interreg projects that deal with social innovation in one way or another. Please feel welcome to browse through these profiles to explore the wealth and variety of social innovation(s) in Interreg. Click here for extended search options.

SEE ME IN: Entrepreneurship is a powerful driver of economic growth and job creation. Our ...
Enter to Transform
Enter to Transform (Transformational Entrepreneurial Hubs for Recognised Refugees’ Re-starters) To sustain growth and innovation ...
EYES (Empowering Youth Through Entrepreneurial Skills): While entrepreneurial education has become an EU priority to ...
MAMBA (Maximizing Mobility and Accessibility in Regions Affected by Demographic Change): With decreasing and ageing ...
UrbCulturalPlanning (Cultural Planning as a Method for Urban Social Innovation): Cities in the Baltic Sea ...
SI4CARE (Social Innovation for Integrated Health Care): With an increasing number of ageing people, providing ...
LIKE (Building a local digital innovation culture): Like! aims to significantly enhance the capacity of ...
CE Responsible
CE RESPONSIBLE (Empowering Social Business in Central Europe): CE Responsible aims at improving skills and ...
I2I (From Isolation to Inclusion)
I2I (From Isolation to Inclusion): Across the North Sea Region many people are experiencing social ...